Basingstoke DAB
The Basingstoke DAB multiplex is operated by UK DAB Networks (Operations) Ltd.
Please direct all enquiries to Stones & Co -
Indoor coverage prediction generated by Ofcom demonstrating indoor coverage of the Basingstoke DAB multiplex. Outdoor coverage is likely to be greater. Map shown for illustrative purposes only and is not a guarantee of coverage.
C-DSP Service Providers
DSPS Service Providers
Fees are exclusive of VAT, subject to contract, and appropriate Ofcom licence being held. UK DAB Networks reserves the right to amend the ratecard from time to time. Fees are payable in advance before commencement of broadcasting, by either BACS, debit card or credit card.
C-DSP services
C-DSP using reserved capacity (bid partners only)
24kbps DAB+ £18 per annum
32kbps DAB+ £518 per annum
40kbps DAB+ £1,018 per annum
48kbps DAB+ £1,518 per annum
C-DSP using reserved capacity (non bid partners)
24kbps DAB+ £250 per annum
32kbps DAB+ £518 per annum
40kbps DAB+ £1,018 per annum
48kbps DAB+ £1,518 per annum
C-DSP using unreserved capacity
24kbps DAB+ £1,125 per annum
32kbps DAB+ £1,500 per annum
40kbps DAB+ £1,875 per annum
48kbps DAB+ £2,250 per annum
DSPS services
DSPS pay as you go tariff (paid 60 days in advance)
32kbps DAB+ £200 per month
40kbps DAB+ £250 per month
48kbps DAB+ £300 per month
56kbps DAB+ £350 per month
64kbps DAB+ £400 per month
DSPS annual tariff (paid annual in advance)
32kbps DAB+ £2,000 per annum
40kbps DAB+ £2,500 per annum
48kbps DAB+ £3,000 per annum
56kbps DAB+ £3,500 per annum
64kbps DAB+ £4,000 per annum
Policy for allocation of capacity on Basingstoke DAB multiplex
All services must accept UK DAB Networks (Operations) Ltd standard terms and conditions to broadcast on the Basingstoke DAB multiplex, which are issued with each invoice. Invoices must be paid in full before broadcasting can commence. All services must be appropriately licenced by Ofcom.
Under the terms of our Ofcom licence, we must reserve three 48kbps slots on our Basingstoke DAB multiplex for Ofcom licenced C-DSP services. The three C-DSP slots must be reserved regardless of whether or not this capacity is fully occupied. If a C-DSP service using reserved capacity elects a lower capacity than 48kbps, then the net difference will be kept vacant to comply with our licence terms. Capacity will first be allocated to services that agreed to be a service provider on our original Ofcom application (these stations we refer to as 'bid partners'), provided they launch on the multiplex by 31st December 2022. Reserved capacity will then be allocated on a first come, first served, basis. Once the three C-DSP slots are occupied, then any subsequent slots used to C-DSP services will be on unreserved capacity. To be eligible to be a C-DSP service on the Basingstoke multiplex, Ofcom must have licenced the service as a C-DSP for Basingstoke. A C-DSP service from another area, must obtain a DSPS licence from Ofcom and our applicable DSPS tariffs will apply.
DSPS services shall pay the applicable DSPS tariff. Capacity is allocated on a first come, first served basis.
There will be a maximum of 29 slots available on the multiplex (comprised of at least 3 C-DSP slots, and the balance a combination of C-DSP and DSPS slots, subject to capacity). In the event that the multiplex becomes oversubscribed, then stations wishing to join will have their interest kept on file. As capacity subsequently becomes available, then UK DAB Networks (Operations) Ltd, will, at its sole discretion, select a service that it feels will enhance the range of digital radio services available in Basingstoke.